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Dr. T.H. Culhane lived at the Los Angeles Eco-Village while attending graduate school at UCLA and worked with colleagues there to create one of the first urban permaculture experiments in a dense built environment in a low income neighborhood. Culhane's entire apartment was off the grid for 3 years, had its own home built composting toilet and recycled much of its greywater. The eco-village itself had nutritious gardens instead of lawns and kept earthworms, rabbits and chickens, using a chicken tractor for weeding and pest control. It was frequently visited by opposums and racoons and many species of birds, lizards and amphibians. The buildings themselves sit along what was once a riparian streambed that Chumash Indians used as prime hunting ground. Currently the Eco-Village is working with the Bresee Center which has partially restored the stream. |
Solar Power isn't Feasible!

This cartoon was on the cover of the book "SolarGas" by David Hoye. It echoes the Sharp Solar slogan "Last time I checked nobody owned the sun!"
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Looking Toward Zootopia
By T.H. Culhane, Ph.D.
Walking with a throng of students toward the engineering
department at the University of Colorado in Boulder in the morning, as we pass
a construction site, we are confronted
by two imposingly large buck deer with impressive antlers who have decided
to nonchalantly cross the street with
us. It is hard to say where they came
from, or where they are going – the city is ringed by mountains but we are
nowhere near a so-called “natural” area;
still the residents of this campus environment don’t seem alarmed. They
take it in stride, as if it is a perfectly natural occurrence to share the road
with large wild mammals on the way to class.
During the evening, as we drop a
local friend off in her residential area,
mere minutes from the city center,
we pass an entire family of deer methodically walking along the
sidewalk in search of tasty flower plantings
lining people’s driveways. Our friend,
noting our surprise, comments, “we’re so
used to such urban wildlife here that we have almost stopped noticing. A lot of people figure, “it used to belong to
them anyway, before our subdivisions
encroached on their territory, so we
might as well learn to live together.”
In a progressive area like Boulder, where people come from
all over the world to study environmental
science, it would almost seem as
though a “zootopia” where humans and wildlife coexist peacefully within an
urban landscape is possible. Our
friend’s son tells us they routinely host raccoons, possums, skunks and other ostensibly wild
critters in their backyards – occasionally they will even see a puma mountain lion or even a bear
pass through. The animals don’t seem to mind
the presence of human beings when they aren’t harassed and if anything they
seem to find the gardens and garbage cans of human residents an easy and
reliable food supply, perhaps even more convenient than foraging in the
wild. And many creatures seem to
appreciate our built environment for the
easy shelter it provides against temperature
extremes and inclement weather,
to say nothing of the prodigious amounts of heat our buildings pump
This is not only true for the native wildlife that
urbanization is normally displacing.
Exotics also seem to find immigration to the city appealing. In the city of Chicago, when I was a child in the 1960s, a flock of
tropical green parrots escaped from captivity
near lake Michigan and started breeding in the trees near my apartment
in Hyde Park Boulevard . Taking
advantage of the famous “heat island
effect” of cities, the parrots survived the harsh winters by nesting in large
ducts releasing waste heat from the
subway system. In the spring they
ventured back out to the trees in the parks by the lake. During a recent summer I went back to one of
the parks I used to see them in as a child and sure enough they and their
descendents were there, screeching and
squawking from their nests as though they were
in a tropical rainforest.
That non-human animals would find cities habitable should
come as no surprise; regardless of how well adapted they are to whatever piece of
“nature” surrounds them , most organisms prefer to be sheltered from
weather extremes and from the
elements and prefer to have food,
water and nesting materials around them
in abundance. Human beings have pooled
these resources in our own urban and suburban habitats, and other animals and
plants recognize this. If there is a
compatibility problem between cities and
wildlife, it is usually because we humans resent the presence of non-humans and
deliberately try to exclude or exterminate
them. But we have to rethink this
strategy in the 21st century.
The rapid rate of biodiversity loss is arguably the most
pressing issue facing humanity today.
While we can probably engineer our way out of most of our resource
bottlenecks and health crises given time and political will, Wilson and
McArthur’s theories of island geography and our understanding of genetic drift
and inbreeding depression suggest that many of the earth’s animal and plant
species are at such critically low population densities that they can almost be
considered “living fossils”. The mantra
“extinction is forever” has a haunting finality to it and while the history of
planet Earth shows that even without
human pressure on natural ecosystems, climate change and habitat
modification over time will make species extinctions inevitable, what differs today from previous “natural”
extinction events is the rate of species disappearance, with gene loss and ecosystem degradation
occurring at such a rapid pace that co-evolutionary systems can no longer
operate adaptively. It isn’t just
specifics groups of organisms following the dinosaurs into oblivion, it is the
unraveling of entire ecologies. The
result is what Harvard professor E.O. Wilson has called our entry into the
“Eremozoic Era” – the great “age of loneliness”.
Although most of the habitat destruction leading to
extinctions can be credited to the agriculture and forestry industries, the
built environment itself, due to the exponential expansion of
urbanization, is often considered a
major antagonist to the preservation of biodiverse ecologies. There is no question that urban demand for
resources has always been a primary driver of
the landscape transformations threatening natural ecologies (the
city-countryside relationship, with rising urban populations requiring a substantial “ecological footprint” to
maintain themselves, is well understood)
but in recent years urban sprawl itself has a emerged as a major force in
habitat loss.
Yet while the city as currently conceived poses a threat to wildlife we are also seeing
the emergence of a new paradigm in urban form as wildlife itself seeks to
reclaim its place in landscapes that we modify.
If anything, the agricultural lands and mining lands that feed the city
their resources may be the most hostile places for wild and animals and plants
to try to coexist. Thousands of hectares
of herbicide and pesticide laden monocropping are completely hostile to robust
food-chains and complex ecologies, and are for the most part devoid of trees
which are among the few organisms in terrestrial ecosystems that can provide
the multidimensionality that permits overlapping and non-competitive niche spaces conducive to biodiversity. But, as a Mayan friend pointed out when
flying from his rainforest research station in Guatemala to Los Angeles, “I
looked out the window of the airplane as I crossed the United States, and all I
could see was the yellow and brown of farmlands until we flew over your cities.
Then I noticed the green. Besides the
few patches of wilderness parks and forest plantations, your cities are some of
the last places where there is a lot of visible tree cover. “ From a migratory bird’s perspective, cities and their suburbs are havens not only
of diverse vegetation, woody and
herbaceous, but water features as well. They appear as islands in a sea of cropland
uniformity and barren-ness.
Some animals have taken well to the presence of resources
and shelter in the cities. Richard Hoath
at the American University of Cairo noted that the Egyptian weasel, Mustela subpalmata, which used to occupy a much larger part of
the Nile Valley, was in serious decline
in agricultural areas, but that in Egypt’s major city of 20 million
people, this normally nocturnal species
“can be seen in the day” though it is “most frequently encountered at night
dashing across streets and disappearing beneath a parked car.” The idea that the ubiquitous presence of
parked cars might be seen by some animals as a defense shelter against
predation may strike one as odd, but
most animals don’t have an automatic aversion to “artificial” environments and
look at the world through fairly utilitarian rather than symbolic eyes.
This does not imply that human beings can simply build
anthropocentric habitats and hope that other species will adapt; our structures
and plantings can have a profound effect on “natural” and “artificial”
selection processes. A case in point is
the current displacement in England of native red squirrels by “invasive” North
American Grey Squirrels. The former, now
on the IUCN red list, is susceptible to
a parapox virus that the latter carries but doesn’t get, and is also dependent on pine forests and
pine cones which are also in decline in urban areas. Red squirrels also can’t
easily digest acorns. The grey, on the other hand, does well in oak dominated areas and on the
kind of broad-leafed trees that dominate many residential and parkland plantings. So it is no wonder that one is ubiquitous and
the other rare.
One way to ensure a more favorable mix of squirrel species
(and other wildlife) is simply for
planners, architects and gardeners to use the landscape palette to attract and
retain specific wildlife rather than merely conform to popular horticultural
trends. In fact, the National Wildlife
Federation’s “Backyard Wildlife Program” encourages urban and suburban
residents to “Turn Your Yard Into a Haven for Wildlife!” They give certificates to people who do
exactly that, saying, “By providing
food, water, cover and places for wildlife to raise their young, your garden
can join the nearly 150,000 Certified Wildlife Habitat™ sites across the
We might consider that if much of our planet’s wildlife is
doing poorly in human habitat it may simply be because of paucity in the
predominant palette of vegetation,
which tends to be so very poor in
diversity that it favors only a very small number of organisms, particularly
those few that co-evolved with the
particular plants our unimaginative
gardens over-emphasize. Landscape
architects, lacking training in ecological sciences, tend to view plants as mere ornamental
decorations, forgetting that ecologies depend on intricate symbiotic and
commensal relationships that took
millions of years to develop.
When much of the smaller wildlife disappears from human
modified habitats it usually has much less to do with these non-human’s fear of
human “encroachment” or even direct conflict with people, but more with a
drastic reduction in the supporting vegetation and associated food chains.
As in the adage “for want of a nail the shoe was lost, for
want of a shoe the horse was lost, for want of a horse the battle was lost” a
cascade of unfortunate ecological events can occur when a single type of
vegetation is removed that once hosted a wide range of interdependent
microbes, fungi, insects, arthropods and vertebrates . In subtropical and tropical areas, urban
plantings tend to favor the “Mediterranean Zone 5” vegetation, and thus these degraded habitats select for
those organisms that co-evolved in that region, often with devastating
consequences on native wildlife. Some
studies have shown that vacant lots, left to grow over with weeds, contain a
much higher biodiversity than urban parks where manicured trees and lawns are
unable to support more than a very few species of wildlife. From this
perspective we should be “naturalizing” our parks with a wide range of habitat
types (such as Prospect Park in Brooklyn is seeking to do) to attract and
maintain as many different animal/plant assemblages as possible. Right now our parks are the furthest thing
from being modern arks.
There is a lot of concern about the introduction of
“non-native” and “invasive” species into wild habitats; we often neglect to
consider that our urban plantings are almost all made up of an “easy to grow
and maintain” assemblage of trees, shrubs, ferns, flowers and grasses that were
selected from around the world based purely on their market and aesthetic
values. They usually require heavy
maintenance and inordinate inputs of
fertilizers and pesticides and herbicides to stay alive. There has also been severe landscape
modification to establish fast growing timber and firewood producing mono-crops
of trees which now make up the major species over vast areas; the preponderance
of Eucalyptus trees all over the world,
trees which originally come from Australia, but which are now are the dominant life form
in parks and highway, street and residential plantings in regions as diverse as
Iraq, California, Rwanda and Spain, offer very little in the way of food or
shelter to non-Australian wildlife.
Curiously, nobody has taken seriously our proposals to allow Koalas,
which are endangered in Australia, and exclusively eat Eucalyptus leaves, to freely breed in city parks outside
Australia (even the Los Angeles Zoo, which is filled with and surrounded by
Eucalyptus forests, still gives their few Koala’s contraceptives to keep them from breeding and employs human laborers to cut Eucalyptus
branches to feed the rare marsupials).
Similarly, despite Panda Bears, which eat only bamboo and are on the
verge of extinction in China where their bamboo forests are being cut down for
agriculture and urbanization , we don’t see initiatives to give them a chance
to breed in other regions of the world where bamboo serves as one of the chief
ornamental plantings. We decry their
disappearance in the “wild” without considering that the plants they depend on
for survival actually exist all over the world thanks to urbanization.
Usually when there are struggles between humans and non-humans in the built
environment they involve society’s
intolerance of these larger animals
rather than their intolerance of us.
Creatures such as mice and rats, squirrels and sparrows, ducks and ubiquitous pigeons, even raccoons , skunks, badgers and coyotes
have found ways to co-exist and even thrive in our cities. But so-called “charismatic megafauna” – the
pandas and koalas that serve as the poster children of the conservation
movement, the “lions and tigers and
bears – oh my!” sung about on the yellow brick road to the Wizard’s paradise of Oz, the elephants which populate Paris in the
children’s book “Babar”, the chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas which end up
taking over the world in “Planet of the Apes” and all the civilized , well-dressed talking animals of the Disney
cartoons – these are the creatures most endangered through our rampant urbanization of planet
In fantasy we hold out to our children the elusive hope of
living in harmony with some of the animals whose size approaches or exceeds ours, but our
general fear of possibly dangerous or conflictual encounters with most of the
“undomesticated” creatures of the Earth keeps most of them out of designated
“human habitat”.
Frequent trips that I
make to pet stores around the world reveal
a growing affection for smaller “exotic” or “un-domesticated animals” as
part of the accepted species assemblage
living with us in urban settings (I owned two iguanas, several quail, rabbits
and hares, guinea pigs, cockatiels and parakeets when I lived in Los
Angeles), but only rarely do I meet
people, like Birute Galdikas, who lives with scores of orangutans and gibbons
in her home in Indonesia, or Daphne Sheldrick, who runs and orphanage for
elephants near Nairobi, or the couple
that kept two wolves as watch-dogs in the avant garde video store they owned in the Los
Feliz neighborhood, or the nature-show television host in the
Hollywood hills who showed me the large alligator he kept in his swimming pool,
or legendary Hollywood Musical Producer George Sidney who told me about keeping
an elephant for years in his back yard in Beverly Hills. People who are pushing the envelope of cohabitation by substituting llamas and
yearlings and ostriches and emus for the usual house trained dog,and cat, or backyard cow or chicken, are fare too rare
at this time of incipient mass extinctions.
The recent police slaughter of a menagerie of 49 “exotic animals” (among them endangered
Bengal Tigers) set free in a suburban neighborhood by a private owner in Ohio,
killed because law enforcement personnel were too afraid of them to think
rationally or didn’t know how to dart,
net and re-capture animals that
were doubtless more frightened than they, shows that society doesn’t consider
large animals worthy of caring attention when they transgress certain
boundaries. It seems we’d rather let them follow the dinosaurs into oblivion
that rethink the human-nature relationship.
Yet almost every city boasts a rather large collection of
charismatic megafauna, and has for hundreds of years. A well run Zoo is considered one of the
hallmarks of a great city. Most city planners, in fact, consider a city
incomplete if it doesn’t have a zoological park (sometimes several) where
families can introduce their children to the other animals with which we
co-evolved. The larger and least domesticated creatures are the biggest draw.
And where cities couldn’t afford to house these animals,
circuses filled the gap, and served and still serve the vital function of
carting big charismatic megafauna from town to town so humans detached from
“nature” could contemplate their relationship with these other large residents of our common
spaceship earth. Both institutions also
offer the chance for co-evolutionary relationships to continue to occur,
challenging both humans and non-humans to reconceive their relationships.
But Zoos and Circuses both evolved from Judeo-Christian and
Islamic traditions affirming man’s “dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
the fowl of the air, and over the cattle,
and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon
the earth”. And they owe their physical and psychological profiles to ideas
based on “Bentham’s Panopticon”:
factories, schools, hospitals, insane asylums and poor houses. Wild animals have been forced to stand-in for
“criminals”, the insane”, “the feared feminine” and “the despised other” and
for forces that fill people with anxiety and confusion. So neither of these institutions has been
able to solve the conundrum of how we can evolve a society that permits the harmonious
coexistence of “all creatures great and
There are models for successful coexistence of large domestic animals in the urban
context. Every time I go to visit my friends in the informal
“garbage recycling” community of Cairo’s Zabaleen people I marvel at the
presence of pigs living on the ground floor of apartment buildings, cows
residing in second floor bedrooms, goats, sheep and donkeys walking up and down
the staircases, and ducks, chickens and rabbits populating the roof, each
providing a vital urban ecology function and helping these poorest of the poor
eke a living out of the refuse of the rest of the city. The urban pigs transform the organic waste of
Cairo’s millions into valuable meat, hide, bone and fertilizer (and in some
cases biogas) while the urban goats and sheep and cows transform marginal
vegetation along the roadside and
railroad tracks into milk and cheese.
We see this pattern in many
marginalized communities around the world – I’ve even been to the homes of
Mexican immigrants in American cities who kept livestock in homes and grew
nopal cactus, corn, chayote and other
agricultural plants instead of front lawns because they felt the grass
and other ornamental plants that dominate our cities were a “waste of space”;
one student of mine even kept a bull in the back yard in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Urban Eco-Village where I lived for three years tended their
permaculture garden with a “chicken tractor”.
Meanwhile, in Indian and Indonesian cities we’ve
marveled as not only “sacred cows” walk the streets, but
domesticated elephants, whose large size, intelligence and strong trunks enable
them to do a lot of important
construction work. We’ve seen sacred
Hanuman monkeys (Grey langurs) and other primates leap from urban porches to telephone poles
and tightrope walk the high tension wires to the next apartment complex where
people put out offerings of food to these furry relatives of ours, treating
them little different than we treat squirrels in the West (with the caveat that they do protect their homes with barred
windows to prevent these curious cousins from stealing or breaking
things.) By understanding the needs and
specific behavioral ecologies of many
“not-quite domesticated” animals humans find they can develop fairly
close relationships with them, relationships that could one day lead to
co-evolutionary relationships that can border on symbiosis rather than
predation or parasitism.
In fact, in the late 1800’s, the Australian
Acclimatization society championed the
idea that all animals and plants should be brought into “domestication” so that
they and their human partners could
enjoy the mutual benefits each might confer on the other. At that time there was a sense among many that
dogs and cats and farm animals were merely “early adopters” in an world where
animals “chose domestication” as much as we chose them to be domesticated, and where , as humans fulfill their biblical
command to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth”, we get closer and
closer to fulfilling the biblical prophecy in Isaiah: 6 where “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and
the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and
the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”
Nowadays, in permacultural and “industrial ecology” and
“urban ecology” circles, we are beginning to popularize a similar idea of
harmony among humans and non-humans, learning to see the mutualistic functional
relationships we can create if we start valuing the “ecosystem services” and
“environmental services” that non-humans contribute to our urban well
being. From “Effective Microbe” Bukashi
compost, biogas, and fermented foodstuff techniques, that honor the role of
“probiotic” micro-organisms in maintaining our
health and that of our soils, to the use of Zebra mussels, snails and a
“schmutzdecke” assemblage of aquatic organisms to create living machines to
purify our water, to cities employing
ungulates to keep highway and power line strips free from weeds and putting
endangered manatees to work clearing
navigable waterways from water
hyacinth and other river and canal choking aquatic plants, we see more and more places recognizing the
contribution animals can make to make cities more livable for both us and them.
The city isn’t the problem, our mentality is. From a bird’s eye view, and from that of many
other animals and plants, the city hasn’t really taken any land away from
nature, in fact it has merely raised it up, and in so doing it has created even more dimensions for niche space and
livable habitat. The Caixa Forum Museum
in Madrid, for example, sports a 24 meter high vertical garden
along its south facing wall that hosts a prodigious number of insects,
amphibians, reptiles and birds, fed by a gravity led stream of rain water.
Where the pre-urban landscape in Madrid once offered only
the ecological footprint defined by the two dimensional area of what is now the
roof of this building, now it offers many times the surface area in three
dimensions for living beings. And this
would be true of all our buildings, if only we would learn to see them that
way, and invite our non-human relatives to work with us instead of fighting so
hard against them.
Because of the complex surfaces it provides, the myriad
opportunities for shelter and the pooling of water and food and resources and
energy that characterize the urban environment, the city may very well turn out
to be the best place to build our arks to save what is left of biodiversity.
If we learn to see the environments we have built and occupy through the eyes of
other organisms that don’t divide the world into facile categories like
“Civilization” and “Nature” we might be able to help the non-human passengers
with whom we share planet Earth to survive. And we might be able to call this
kind of new urban form “Zootopia”. I,
for one, am looking forward to it.
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